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Teeth Whitening Prep

No brushing or flossing 4-6 hours before the scheduled appointment. When we brush our teeth, the gum tissue around each tooth will naturally lift away from the teeth. This can allow the whitening gel to sink in and irritate the gum tissue. This can cause blanching and can result in extreme discomfort.

Drinking as much water as possible- 24 hours before the whitening appointment will help with sensitivity. Since the process of teeth whitening dehydrates the teeth. This is what causes sensitivity. If you are working with an already hydrated tooth, sensitivity is less likely to happen. Prepare to drink as much water as possible 24 hours after the whitening session. 

It is recommended that you are regularly seeing your dentist before whitening. 

Aftercare & Whitening Pen Instructions

The first 24-48 hours are the most important. Teeth whitening can leave the outer layer of
the teeth (enamel) porous and more vulnerable to absorbing stains. The whitening process
will continue for the next 6 hours as it is whitening from the inside out of the pores. Please
follow the instructions below for best results.

 For 1 to 4 hour(s) following your treatment only consume water.

  • There can be blanching on the gums. If the gums have white spots, apply Vitamin E and it will go away within a few hours. If you have receding gums, it may be more likely that this occurs. If burning occurs on the gums, it is most likely due to a pre-existing dental issue.


  • White spots on the teeth are normal as the pores in the tooth are being opened. They will go away in a few hours and there is nothing to be concerned about.


  • Additional follow up thirty-minute treatments can be done in as little as one day if you do 
    not have any burning or sensitivity. It is best to use the Whitening Pen for 7-14 days to
    continue the whitening process before a follow up treatment. Two (2) to four (4) treatments per year are recommended to avoid relapse.


1. Coffee
2. Tea
3. Red wine
4. Blueberries
5. Curries
6. Marinara sauce
7. Dark sodas
8. Any other dark pigmented food or drink
9. Anything that can stain a white shirt should be avoided


1. Store the pen in a cool, dry place. The pen does not need to be refrigerated but should NOT be exposed to heat for a prolonged period of time. The gel is 12% Hydrogen Peroxide.
2. Saturate the pen brush by twisting the base of the pen.
3. Brush a thin layer of gel onto the teeth using an up and down motion. Insert the tray to keep your tongue from wiping the gel off your teeth. Relax your jaw and lips.
4. Leave your tray in for twenty minutes, then remove the tray and rinse tray and your mouth with

lukewarm water.
5. Use for a minimum of 4-6 weeks daily after brushing to optimize results.
6. Your take home pen will provide up to 30-60 daily applications if used as instructed. Be
careful not to overfill the applicator brush! More is not better!

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